SWAPTE Announces Request for Proposals of One-Stop Operator for Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Services



The Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training and Employment (SWAPTE) (Workforce Development Division) is soliciting proposals for an entity to be the one-stop operator for the six Alabama Career Centers and provider of Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Career Services within the Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training and Employment Area.


The purpose of this solicitation is to select an organization to be the operator for the One-Stop Career Center system in six locations and deliver WIOA career services to Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth in eight of the nine counties that make up the Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training and Employment. The chief role of the One-Stop Operator is to coordinate the service delivery of required one-stop partners and service providers.


Proposals (click here )must be submitted on or before Monday, February 15, 2021 by 4 p.m CST. Late submissions will not be accepted. 


Submissions should be mailed or hand delivered to:

ATTN: Cindy Nelms

The Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training and Employment

515 Springhill Plaza Court

Mobile, AL 36608

(251) 432-0909


[email protected]