Reneta Powe

I have wanted to be a nurse since I was a little girl states Reneta Powe, RN Specialized Care Nurse with Alta Pointe Health Systems. “Thanks to Mobile Works’ WIA Training Program, I was able to accomplish my life long dream of becoming a registered nurse.” Powe was introduced to the hospital setting when she took a job as a monitor tech at a local hospital followed by employment as an occupational therapist technician. Her past employment experiences sparked her interest in wanting to help others and she decided to pursue a career in the nursing field.

Powe never thought that she would ever reach the pinnacle of her career given her rocky start. “It wasn’t easy getting here,” states Powe. Not only was she a full-time nursing student at Bishop State and a mother of two, she also worked part-time on the weekends to help provide for her family. Powe encourages others to never give up on their dreams. “Remain focused and dedicated,” states Powe. Having the support of family and friends to encourage you is very important,” Powe elaborated.

“Thank you for allowing me to be apart of a training program that has provided me the opportunity to be an asset to Alta Pointe. As a result of me participating in your program, I am an independent, self-directed person who is able to communicate effectively and meet even the most demanding challenges,” Powe said.” Reneta Powe completed the nursing program at Bishop State Community College in May, 2008 and successfully received her nursing license on July 29, 2008. She plans on pursuing her masters degree.