Jackie Terhune
Dislocated Worker
On-the-Job Training Program
Handling Life's Challenges Is All About Attitude and a Little Help
Jackie Terhune handled a large human resources and benefits program for her previous company, a multi-state company with fifteen offices in nine states, for over thirteen years. But when her old company was shut down last year by the IRS, she found herself laid off and unsure of where she could find a comparable job in Mobile.
Terhune, a Mobile native and 57 year-old grandmother, was greatly concerned about this as she also had responsibilities for helping with her parents, who were both 82 years old at the time. Since Terhune doesn't have a degree, she was counting on her work experience to demonstrate her value to potential employers, but wasn't sure how to find them.
Enter Mobile Works. Terhune discovered Mobile Works' On-the-Job Training program when she met with Belinda Thomason at the Alabama Career Center. Belinda evaluated her background and determined that she would make a great fit with Administration Partners, LLC, a locally-owned third-party administrator of qualified retirement plans, which was looking to hire an Administration Specialist to assist with the administration of the plans. Administration Partners, LLC owners Kim Newell and Belinda Henning interviewed and hired Terhune for an On-the-Job Training position as an Administration Specialist.
Terhune was doing a good job-so good, that when life threw even more major challenges her way, the company put her On-the-Job Training contract on hold so that they could be sure to keep such a valued employee. She had started with the company in November 2004 and a six-month training program was scheduled. Normally, training programs must be completed without interruptions; but in early March 2005, Terhune discovered abruptly that she would need to have triple bypass open-heart surgery. Terhune had never had a major health problem before or any symptoms, so it was a complete surprise and a scary one.
Immediately after facing that challenge head on and going back to work to resume training as soon as she got the doctor's okay, Terhune's 82-year old mother died of advanced breast cancer. It was a difficult time for Terhune, who was not only grieving the loss of her mother, to whom she was extremely close, but coping with the life changes from major heart surgery and those necessitated by the promise she made to her dying mother. She promised her mother that she would take care of her 82-year old father, who has health problems and cannot live alone. So Terhune moved in with her father to take care of him and still never missed a beat in her training with Administration Partners, LLC.
"Jackie had a great background to train further in more specialized areas and we are so pleased with her that we are going to hire another referral from Mobile Works and again take advantage of the On-the-Job Training Program," states Kim Newell, co-owner of Administration Partners, LLC. "In fact, we actively give referrals for Mobile Works to our clients whenever we hear they are hiring new people."
Newell further stated, "Jackie is a team player and an extremely conscientious worker with a lot of experience and a wonderful attitude. We will be expanding her responsibilities and giving her not only more accounts, but more complex accounts, to manage as she continues to grow."
"Mobile Works allowed me to find a job where I can make a good living and continue to grow and be challenged," said Terhune. "When I was laid off, I wasn't sure that would be possible and I'm thrilled to be at Administration Partners, LLC. I would tell anyone facing a similar situation to look at what Mobile Works can do for them."
She gives the rest of the credit to her success where it belongs-her positive, can-do attitude and desire to learn. Terhune feels that without a positive attitude she would never have been able to get through the past year because she believes, "If you think you can, you can and if you think you can't, you're right." At Mobile Works, we know Jackie Terhune has what it takes.