Sample Functional Resume

Harry Hotshot
2933 West 56th Ave.,
Merrilleville, IN 46410
555/555-5555 phone
555/555-5555 cell
[email protected]

A position with a construction company which requires skills I have developed in the field of engineering, cost controlling, planning, scheduling, and estimating

Purdue University
Major: Building Construction and Contracting
Bachelor of Science, May 1997
Major Grade Index: 5.37 / 6.0
Relevant Projects
Analyzed field operations of earthwork at construction site of Caterpillar Manufacturing Plant in Lafayette, IN
Performed field ratings on the construction site of the Purdue Athletic Facility in West Lafayette, IN

Zarko Sekerez and Assoc., Merrilleville, IN; May 1996 to September 1996
Performed preliminary site survey for hospital addition, including such tasks as measuring land and building elevations, checking as built drawings, and setting construction benchmarks
Executed location surveys for mortgage companies
Steel Worker
U.S. Steel; Gary, IN; May 1994 to September 1994
Directed four crane men in loading steel
Inspected steel for defects
Used oxygen-acetylene torch to cut steel
Steel Worker
U.S. Steel; Gary, IN; June 1993 to September 1993
Drove heavy steel, moving equipment
Performed maintenance tasks on production line
Postal Worker
Indiana University Northwest; Gary, IN; May 1995 to September 1995
Received incoming packages and freight from truckers
Delivered mail and packages valued up to $3000 throughout the university
Sales Clerk
University Bookstore; West Lafayette, IN; September 1995 to Present
Gained experience handling customers
Other Jobs
Waiter, Delivery person, life guard, paper carrier

Building Construction Club, Spring 1995 to Present
Intramural Athletics: Football, Basketball, Softball
Teamster Scholarship Winner
Indiana State Scholarship Commission Scholarship Recipient

Available upon request

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