Mobile Works announces name change and new direction in operations

Mobile Works recently announced a name change and a new direction in operations effective July 1. Mobile Works has ceased operations as the local workforce investment agency for Mobile County and will now manage operations as Southwest Alabama Partnerships for Training and Employment (SWAPTE) to reflect a regional role in workforce development.

"The regional role is the result of a new initiative by the Alabama Department of Commerce-Office of Workforce Development to streamline services," states Sydney Raine, SWAPTE president.

Prior to the new initiative, there were three workforce areas- Jefferson County, Mobile County and the balance of state. Now, there are seven regional workforce areas. SWAPTE is part of region 7, which includes Baldwin, Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Escambia, Mobile, Monroe, Washington and Wilcox Counties.

"Our name and the counties we serve are different, but our intent to provide quality service to employers and job seekers remain the same," Raine elaborated. In fact, the regional role allows SWAPTE to partner with more employers, serve a larger number of job seekers and improve services across the southwest region. “Our annual budget was $4.6 million in 2016-2017. Now, the budget will exceed $9.2 million to serve thousands of job seekers in the nine county area," Raine said.

SWAPTE is a regional partnership of business, government, education, labor and community leaders serving Baldwin, Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Escambia, Mobile, Monroe, Washington and Wilcox counties. To learn more about SWAPTE's programs and services, visit

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