Niji Murphy
From Minimum Wage Job to New Career and Managerial Role

On-the-Job Training Program

Success > Niji Murphy" height="218" width="200" align="left" border="2">Before Niji Murphy, a 26 year-old husband and father of two children ages 3 and 1, was selected to participate in the Teague Brothers Rug Cleaning training program, he made minimum wage in the fast-food industry and had no clear career path and no way to get one. While working in fast-food, Murphy attempted to study mortuary science and work at the same time with little success due to the number of hours he worked and his difficult schedule, so he reluctantly dropped his studies. Prior to that he was in the U.S. Army for four years and “is proud to be a veteran who served his country”.

He interviewed with Debbie Kendrick, Office Manager, who says that Murphy gave a great interview and appeared to have a strong work ethic. During his training, it became to clear to Teague Brothers that Murphy “is a hard worker who really gives his all and knows how to get into what needs to be done”. He completed his training in March 2004. Success > Niji Murphy" width="300" height="197" align="right" border="2">

Teague Brothers has been in business since 1955 selling, cleaning and repairing rugs, both new and antique. They use a cleaning process designed by the National Institute of Rug Cleaners and also use their stringent set of guidelines for repairing rugs. Murphy has mastered these guidelines and has developed a level of expertise uncommon for a new employee.

Teague Brothers recently contacted Mobile Works to work out the details to make Niji Murphy their Service/Operations Manager. Joe Dear, President of Teague Brothers, said this was because “Niji has proven himself to be very attentive to details and has picked up on everything so quickly”. Belinda Thomason, job developer for Mobile Works, continues to work closely with Teague Brothers to develop Murphy’s skills as he transitions into his new position.

As for Murphy, he is proud of his success and thankful for the Mobile Works on-the-job training program that has allowed him to not only provide more for his young family now, but given him a clear career path for the future, with a company he is proud to be associated with.

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