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Thursday, May 12, 2005 - Friday, May 13, 2005 
Mobile Works brought in presenter George Kelley, President and CEO of NexxStep Career Training Development System to speak to all staff employed at the Alabama Career Center. Mobile Works staff and board members first heard Kelley speak to a standing-room only audience at the Southeastern Employment and Training Association (SETA) conference earlier in the year. Kelley delivers a down-to-earth presentation designed to increase awareness of jobseeker customer needs so that staff can better meet those needs.

Kelley conducted three sessions, one with management and two with other staff. The highlight of the training was a game where people stood in a circle and held ropes held at the other end by people across from them and attempted to create a circle where everyone was holding the rope of the person beside them. All of the groups did well at the challenging game, which underscored the need for excellent communication and teamwork.

George Kelley addresses class

Alabama Career Center staff try teamwork

Friday, May 06, 2005 
Mobile Works sponsored the SARPC Annual Business Expo and Regional Job Fair held today at the Mobile Civic Center. Mobile Works has been a long-time sponsor of the event and also exhibited at a booth at the event, which attracted nearly 4,000 jobseekers. Mobile Works job developers Belinda Thomason and Joyce Browning were joined at the event by Director of Marketing Gia Dinges, where they handed out marketing materials and answered questions for the approximately 500 to 600 jobseekers who personally came to the Mobile Works booth.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 
Mobile Works held its 2005 Annual Business Appreciation Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at the Mobile Convention Center this morning to recognize businesses that had partnered with Mobile Works and participated in our programs over a gourmet breakfast. The special guest speaker was Congressman Jo Bonner and businesses had the opportunity to meet him, as well as members of the Mobile Works board and to network with the leaders of many other top businesses in Mobile.

Businesses not only heard from Congressman Bonner, but from Mobile�s Mayor Mike Dow, Mobile County Commissioner Sam Jones and Charles Story, the Chairman of the Board for Mobile Works, also a retired executive from Degussa Corporation, as well as Sydney Raine, President of Mobile Works. The business owners and managers also listened to Mike Payne from Gwin�s Commercial Printing and Engraving and Dale Jermyn of Bender Shipbuilding and Repair speak of their success with the On-the-Job Training program offered by Mobile Works.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 
Mobile Works Director of Marketing Gia Dinges spoke to the Kiwanis Club of Airport-Metro, Mobile over lunch today at Wintzell's Oyster House on Airport Blvd in Mobile. Dinges presented an overview of Mobile Works programs, highlighting the Incumbent Worker Training and On-the-Job Training programs designed for businesses. She also presented other Mobile Works programs and the other services available at the Alabama Career Center.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 
Mobile Works staff and board members attended the Southeastern Employment and Training Association (SETA) Spring Conference 2005 on Sunday March 13 through Wednesday March 16, 2005 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Mobile Works President Sydney G. Raine joined Ralph Buffkin, Vice Chairman of the Board and other board members Stan Chavis and Steve Perry at the conference, which featured several guest speakers presenting the latest on workforce development and employment issues. In addition to being a member of the Mobile Works Board of Directors, Stan Chavis serves on the Executive Board of SETA. They were joined by Gia Dinges, Director of Marketing.

SETA is a professional organization promoting workforce development excellence and professionalism for an eight-state region, including Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Puerto Rico. Over 800 people attended the semi-annual conference to participate in workshops and hear speakers discuss issues on employment, training and workforce development, as well as network with other workforce development professionals.
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