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Tuesday, March 01, 2005 
Gia Dinges, Director of Marketing for Mobile Works assisted Don Davis of MDi media group with a focus group session hosted at the Alabama Career Center Mobile. The focus group was comprised of several local business people, including Keith Jones of Degussa and Mobile Works board members Ralph Buffkin and Stan Chavis. The focus group was gathered to review a statewide media campaign for the Alabama Career Center overseen by the State Workforce Development Marketing Committee created by Dr. Tim Alford, Director of the Alabama Department of Workforce Development.

Dinges is a member of the marketing committee charged with oversight of the development of the marketing campaign and offered to help MDi facilitate a focus group of local Mobile business people. The group�s response was highly favorable to the campaign and many in the group said they were excited to hear about programs and services they did not know existed. Also attending the focus group as an observer was Sydney Raine, President of Mobile Works and several executives from the Alabama Office of Workforce Development and various partners.

Thursday, December 16, 2004 
Mobile Works kicked off a new marketing/media campaign recently aimed at reaching laid-off workers in Mobile Alabama. The campaign is called "Mobile Works Job Target" and began running television and radio spots today on local stations to attract these laid off workers to its paid-on-the job training and career advancement scholarship programs. Laid-off workers are those workers who have ever been laid off or will be laid off through no fault of their own, won�t be recalled to work and who have not yet found a job at their former salary level. Spouses of laid-off workers are those who depended primarily upon their spouse's income for their support and are also considered to be a laid-off worker.

Most laid-off workers who meet these requirements are eligible for assistance through Mobile Works programs, but must visit Mobile Works at the Alabama Career Center to find out. First, laid off workers must register at the Alabama Career Center for employment services. If they are unable to find a job and need further training, they can apply for the Mobile Works programs, including:

Individual Training Scholarships that allow eligible candidates to attend school for up to two years. Candidates must meet income requirements or be a laid-off worker in need of retraining. Since the program began in 2000, over 3,000 jobseekers have received scholarships worth nearly $5.6 million.

On-the-Job-Training allows jobseekers to be paid while training in a new career. Mobile Works develops a contract with a for-profit employer where Mobile Works agrees to reimburse the employer up to 50% of the cost to train a new hire for up to six months. The employer agrees to hire trainees for permanent full-time positions. Over 215 people have been trained since 2000, with over 48 local businesses receiving total trainee wage reimbursements worth over $609,000. Laid-off workers should visit the Alabama Career Center or call 251-432-4562 (4JOB) for more information.

Thursday, December 09, 2004 
Mobile Works President Sydney Raine spoke to business owners and managers at the Rotary Club Downtown monthly meeting at the Riverview Plaza Hotel in downtown Mobile today over lunch. Also present at the event were several Mobile Works board members, including Robert A. Greer, Stan Chavis and Rose Johnson, among others. Gia Dinges, Director of Marketing for Mobile Works was also present to hear Raine's remarks. Raine spoke and showed a PowerPoint CD highlighting Mobile Works' capabilities, then entertaining several minutes of questions from members of the group interested in business programs including the Incumbent Worker Training and On-the-Job Training programs.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004 
Mobile Works offered Mobile area businesses and organizations the opportunity to attend a special viewing of the mobile workforce development vehicle being considered for purchase by Mobile Works. Mobile Works plans to use the vehicle to serve more people and small businesses in all areas of mobile county to provide them with better access to workforce services and small business incumbent worker training to upgrade existing employee�s skills. Approximately fifty to sixty people attended the event held in the parking lot of the International Trade Club, where they were able to tour a mobile workforce development vehicle similar to the one proposed and give their feedback.

The vehicle toured was outfitted with a high-tech multimedia system including features such as large plasma TV screens, a Smart Board overlay technology classroom instruction system, wired/wireless microphones, a speaker/PA system and VHS / DVD / CD / PowerPoint capability with the ability to give visual presentations to up to 20 people at once. The vehicle also featured a networked computer-based instructional system with satellite, an Ethernet LAN server with up to 13 stations and two generators for redundant power which enables stand-alone operation of the vehicle, making it ideal to deploy in emergency situations such as hurricanes.

Friday, November 19, 2004 
Mobile Works President Sydney Raine spoke to business owners and managers at the Forum, a local trade association in the greater Mobile area that focuses on environmental issues, community interaction and outreach, at the University of South Alabama Brookley Conference Center today at lunch. Also present at the event were Steve Perry, a Mobile Works board member and the Executive Director of the Forum, Gia Dinges, Director of Marketing for Mobile Works and Brenda Bright, Case Manager Coordinator for Mobile Works offices at the Alabama Career Center.

Raine spoke and showed a PowerPoint CD highlighting Mobile Works' capabilities, then went on to field questions from members of the group interested in business programs including the Incumbent Worker Training and On-the-Job Training programs.
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