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Thursday, July 21, 2005 
Mobile Works President Sydney Raine spoke to Partners for Environmental Progress at the Ashbury Suites Hotel in Mobile this morning over breakfast. Also present was Mobile Works board member Steve Perry, also a member of Partners for Environmental Progress, and Gia Dinges, director of marketing for Mobile Works.

Raine spoke to the group on the history of the Workforce Investment Act and the formation of Mobile Works, then moved on to programs of importance to business owners, including the Incumbent Worker Training and On-the-Job Training programs designed for businesses. Raine also presented other Mobile Works programs and the other services available at the Alabama Career Center, then entertained questions for over twenty minutes from interested audience members wanting to know more details about the programs.

Sydney Raine addresses group

Board member Steve Perry asks question

Sydney Raine talks to interested business managers

Thursday, June 16, 2005 
Mobile Works announced its contracted investments of over $1.8 million during the 2005-2006 fiscal year for several youth programs, designed to help Mobile youth become job-ready. Contracts totaling over $1,822,325 were awarded to local organizations as part of Mobile Works� continuing effort to increase the available labor pool of skilled jobseekers in the Mobile area.

Local providers for five different programs were recently awarded contracts, including Mobile County Public Schools; Goodwill Easter Seals; Dynamic Education Systems, Inc. (DESI); South Alabama Skills Training Consortia; and the Dearborn Street Community Center/Dearborn YMCA. Youth for all programs are selected based on risk factors, academic record, counselor recommendations, work experience, financial need and additional aspects affecting eligibility based on the particular program involved.

Monday, June 13, 2005 
Mobile Works Inc. held the official kickoff of the Mobile County Public Schools System Summer Jobs for Youth 2005 program with a special presentation for students in the morning and for their parents this evening. The Summer Jobs for Youth 2005 program is serving 275 low-income in-school at-risk youth aged 14-18, including graduating seniors, to improve their career and leadership potential to assist students in getting a job or furthering their education. Today�s activities kicked off a week-long Leadership Academy, after which, the youth will report to worksites and engage in 30 hours of work a week for six weeks.

Mobile City Councilman Fred Richardson delivered his message to a full house of approximately 275 Mobile County Public School System students this morning at the Leflore High School Theater in Mobile. Richardson�s speech was met with several minutes of applause from students who had listened intently as he spoke to them about taking responsibility for their own actions.

Leevones Dubose, CEO/Founder of the Bay Area Women�s Association, spoke to a packed house of parents and guardians of youth speaking this evening, also at the Leflore High School Theater. Dubose spoke to the audience about taking charge in their own communities and brought in guest speakers from the Bay Area Women�s Association and the Trinity Gardens Community Action Group. Ms. Dubose and her guest speakers received a standing ovation after their speeches.

Mobile City Councilman Fred Richardson addresses MCPSS students

MCPSS students in summer program

Leevones Dubose addresses parents of students

Friday, June 10, 2005 
Mobile Works Inc. contracted with the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce to fund a Mobile Works Liaison who will be hired by the Chamber to work on workforce and economic development issues that are critical to the mission of both partners�and the Mobile economy. The establishment of the liaison position will allow Mobile Works and the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce to conduct joint workforce and economic development projects, for more effective use of both partner�s resources and also ensure that these development projects have greater scope than either partner could achieve separately.

The Mobile Works Liaison will work in the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce Center for Workforce Development alongside Chamber staff and the liaison�s main role will be to coordinate and synergize the workforce development efforts of both the Center and Mobile Works by creating and analyzing industry clusters that are the backbone of the Mobile economy.

Friday, June 10, 2005 
Mobile Works announced the official kickoff of the Summer Jobs for Youth 2005 program with a special presentation for students in the morning and for their parents that evening on Monday June 13, 2005. Mobile Works has invested $449,197 in the 12-month youth program being delivered by the Mobile County Public School System.

The Summer Jobs for Youth 2005 program will serve 275 low-income in-school at-risk youth aged 14-18, including graduating seniors, to improve their career and leadership potential to assist students in getting a job or furthering their education. The youth will attend a week-long Leadership Academy, then report to worksites and engage in 30 hours of work a week for six weeks. Youth will be able to explore careers; receive life skills and occupational skills development; and enjoy paid and unpaid work-based learning opportunities.

During the weeklong Leadership Academy, students will be taught several soft skills mini-courses by people in the local business community, including: interpersonal skills by John Fitzgerald of Saunders Engine Company, money management by Floyd Pough of Financial Consulting Services, personal grooming by Mary Morris of Bishop State Community College, dressing for success by Faye Phillips of Stein Mart, important factors in getting and keeping a job by Sydney Raine of Mobile Works and "keeping it real" by Yvonne Baldwin, the Chief of Police for the City of Prichard.

Mobile City Councilman Fred Richardson will deliver his message to approximately 275 Mobile County Public School System students on Monday June 13, 2005 at 10:00 am at the Leflore High School Theater in Mobile, while Leevones Dubose, CEO/Founder of the Bay Area Women�s Association, will be speaking to their parents that evening at 6:00 pm at the same location.
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