Bridging the gap between business needs and worker skills is a challenge Mobile faces in maintaining a strong economy with businesses ready for growth and higher profits.

We know that businesses are always looking for skilled workers, while workers strive to become more desirable as successful contributors to their company. But, it is not always easy to do. The Mobile Works On-the-Job Training program can help make it all happen.

On-the-Job Training connects your company with workers who want to help your business succeed, so they can too. With On-the-Job Training, we all win-Mobile's economy gets stronger, your business grows and your workers can succeed along with you.

On-the-Job Training
On-the-Job Training is a contract between Mobile Works and your business. Mobile Works agrees to pay up to 50% of the cost to train an eligible hire or current worker. The training period could last from 11 - 26 weeks.

The trainee acquires a new skill or improves on an existing skill to help ensure the long-term success of your business so they can make solid contributions to your company. Hiring and training a new hire or retraining a current worker is an investment of time and money for your business. Mobile Works can help your business leverage that investment and make it pay off.

Skilled job seekers who have been laid off, are making career changes or are re-entering the labor market and have accessed career services at the Alabama Career Center may be eligible for On-the-Job Training. Your company policies and procedures are not affected because we are easy to do business with.

The On-the-Job Training program will provide your business with new workers and together you will develop the skills, motivation and training they need to meet your expectations.

Customized Training
In order for your business to compete effectively, you need workers with up-to-date skills. Through our Customized Training program, your current workers may be qualified for skill upgrade training.

A partnership is formed between your company and Mobile Works. We share the total training cost-up to a 50% split.

Add Value to Your Bottom Line
You select a worker and receive training monies in return to assist in the new hire's successful contribution to your business. The trained worker gains new skills that can go to work for you and your company.

Business Advantages

  • Enhance your profitability by minimizing turnover
  • Build morale with a team of focused and skilled workers you have trained and motivated to excel
  • Increase your pool of qualified applicants by streamlining the hiring process so you get qualified workers (all applicants must meet WIA eligibility requirements)
  • Receive reimbursement for downtime incurred during the training of a new hire
  • No obligation to hire through Mobile Works—the final decision is yours

Jobseeker Advantages

  • Become a more prepared and better-qualified worker
  • Increase opportunities to earn a higher wage
  • Improve skills most desired by businesses—problem-solving, organizing, planning and personal interaction with team members


Am I a qualified employer?
Any business with a workman's compensation policy in force and a federal tax identification number, seeking full-time workers, can be considered for the On-the-Job Training program.

Is there a minimum salary requirement?
Mobile Works has a goal of writing agreements for jobs starting at $7.50 per hour.

How does the new hire get paid?
The business pays the worker on the company payroll and Mobile Works reimburses the business on a monthly basis.

Can a new hire be terminated after completing training?
It is important that a new hire, who successfully completes training and maintains a quality work ethic, stays with the business.

On-the-Job Training has worked for other Mobile area businesses in these occupational areas:

Automotive Customer Service
Commercial Printing
Diesel Engine Repair
Industrial Inventory Maintenance
Inside Sales
HVAC Repair & Maintenance
Ordinary Seamanship
Retail Grocery
Route Delivery & Sales
Stone Masonry
Tax Preparation

Consider On-the-Job Training for your business today-for more information, call:

Belinda Thomason, Job Developer
[email protected]


Joyce Browning, Job Developer
[email protected]

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