Charles E. Story - Chairman of the Board, 2004-2005

Charlie Story is a native Mobilian and a graduate of the University Military School. He attended Auburn University and graduated with a B.S. degree in industrial management. His work career spans nearly 30 years, including Degussa Corporation-where he started in June 1974 as their first-ever American employee. Story retired from Degussa in November 2002 after serving 13 years as Vice President of Government & Public Affairs and media spokesperson, during which time he was responsible for managing all state, federal and international legislation affecting all operations in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Prior to his 1989 promotion, he served as Vice President of Human Resources for Degussa, and before that he worked in human resources at both Vanity Fair and Teledyne Continental Motors. Story is currently a consultant to a number of companies and works on contract with the Business Council of Alabama (BCA) on federal legislation affection BCA's 5000 member companies. In addition, he serves on the Health Care Committee of the National Association of Manufacturers in Washington, D.C. Locally, in addition to his commitment to the Mobile Works board, Story serves as Chairman of both Forward Mobile and the Mobile chapter of Volunteers of America. He is also active on the boards of Springhill Hospital and Junior Achievement. Story is also a charter member the City of Mobile's Mayor's Advisory Committee, which is overseeing the Air Quality Study for Mobile County, and the Legislative Task Force of the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce.

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