Frequently Asked Questions


What is Southwest Alabama Partnerships for Training and Employment? 
Southwest Alabama Partnerships for Training and Employment (SWAPTE) is the workforce investment agency operating under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. (WIOA). SWAPTE underwrites training and employment programs to get jobseekers skilled, trained and ready to enter the workforce.


What is WIOA? 
WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and supportive services to succeed in the labor market. WIOA training funds are designed to serve laid-off individuals, older youth and adults who are in need of training to enter or re- enter the labor market.


What programs and services are available to jobseekers and dislocated workers?  A variety of training and employment programs are available to fit the needs of the community. Areas of focus include industries considered high-growth, high demand, high-wage such as aviation, technology, manufacturing, healthcare, maritime and transportation.


Individual Training Accounts/Career Advancement Scholarships  
SWAPTE assists job seekers in getting the skills needed to compete in today’s job market by funding short-term training opportunities. Job seekers may be eligible to receive training at area colleges and universities under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.  Approved training providers are listed below.

Alabama Aviation Center of Mobile


IUOE Local 653 Coastal Operating Engineers Apprenticeship

Bishop State Community College

Jefferson Davis Community College

Cardiac and Vascular Institute of Ultrasound

Mobile Electricians JATC

Coastal Alabama Community College (Faulkner Community College)

Mobile Plumbing and Pipefitting Joint Apprenticeship Committee

Enterprise State Community College

Premier Truck Driving Academy

Fortis College (Dothan, Foley, Mobile)

Prime Truck Driving

George C. Wallace

Reid State Technical College

Heavy equipment Colleges of America

SAAD Enterprises Inc.

Institute of Ultrasound Diagnostics

Smart Local 441 JATC

International Union of Painters and Allied Trades

University of South Alabama



On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a contract between SWAPTE and a business owner or hiring manager. SWAPTE pays half the wages earned by an eligible new hire during training. The trainee acquires new skills or improves on existing skills to ensure the long-term success of a business or company. The length of training is negotiated. Hiring a new employee is an investment of time and money for your business that SWAPTE can help offset.


Youth Programs
Southwest Alabama Partnerships for Training and Employment (SWAPTE) partners with various agencies to assist area youth in getting their GED or high school diploma, improving their reading and math skills and job readiness skills. Also, the youth programs assist in job placement upon completion of a GED.  Our partner agencies are DESI Career Training Center, Goodwill Easter Seals, Dearborn YMCA, Reid State Technical College, Hope Place Family Resource Center.  

Dearborn YMCA
(serving out of school youth ages 16-24)

  • Individual tutoring
  • Pre-employment skills training
  • Job placement assistance
  • Leadership development training
  • Group and individual counseling
  • Mentoring
  • Skills Assessment
  • Daycare to dependents ages 6 weeks to 4 years
  • Bus pass for transportation
  • GED Preparation Classes                                            

(serving out of school youth ages 16-24)

  • G.E.D preparation
  • Assistance enrolling into college 
  • Work Keys Training/Career Readiness Certification      
  • Career Counseling
  • Tutoring for the ACT 
  • Job placement assistance

Goodwill Easter Seals (Y.E.S.)
(serving out of school youth ages 16-24)

  • GED Preparation
  • Job Placement Assistance
  • Career Counseling
  • Workkeys Testing

Hope Place Family Resource Center

(serving out of school youth ages 16-24)


Reid State Technical College

(serving out of school youth ages 16-24)


What is a dislocated worker?
A worker laid off from their job through no fault of their own (company closed, reduction in workforce). 


Eligibility requirements
Training programs may require eligibility determination. Amount of assistance is determined by the length of training program. Mobile Works will provide the following assistance. 

Training Scholarships …….Income Based
On-the-Job Training……….Income Based

Youth Programs…………Must no longer be attending high school and based on individual barriers.

Dislocated Worker (laid off, downsized)
Training Scholarships…….No Income Requirement
On-the-Job Training……...No Income Requirement

Southwest Alabama Partnerships for Training and Employment (SWAPTE) is located in the Alabama Career Center
515 Springhill Ave. (Corner of I-65 and Springhill Avenue)
Mobile, AL.  

Cost of services 
Our services are available at no cost. We are federally funded by the Workforce Innovative and Opportunity Act.

Hours of operation
Monday – Friday,  8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Is Southwest Alabama Partnerships for Training and Employment and the Alabama Career Center the same? Are you the unemployment office?
No. SWAPTE is an agency co-located at the Alabama Career Center. Several agencies are located at the Career Center to provide easy access to a variety of services for job seekers and businesses at a central location.
Jobseekers can access training opportunities, on-site job fairs, free computer access for job search, free fax and telephone access to communicate with prospective employers. Likewise, businesses can recruit qualified workers from the Career Center, post job openings at no cost, and receive 

Services Available: 
Employment Services
Training Opportunities
Adult Basic Education-Bishop State Community College
Seasonal Worker Transition Training
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Job Readiness Classes