From pre-press operator to truck driver
Dennis Lundy worked 43 years for the Press-Register. He recently completed training at Premier Truck Driving Academy. He has accepted a job with CTL as a driver. He is sharing his success with Lorraine Thomas, Mobile Works case manager.
As a pre-press operator for the Press-Register, Dennis Lundy would collect and inspect random samples of circulars for print publication, gather data, print to laser images, provide reports to various departments and other duties as assigned. In fact, Lundy provided this service for his employers for over four decades- forty-three years to be exact. He always thought he would retire from the newspaper. Unfortunately, his job was eliminated when the newspaper downsized their workforce.
Fast forward to 2013 and now Lundy works as a truck driver with CTL Transportation. He’s excited about his new career and looks forward to the challenge. Lundy has always admired trucks. “I grew up on a farm - just past the hard dirt and right over the marsh,” Lundy explains rather colorfully. “I’m familiar with heavy machinery /farm equipment and driving trucks seemed like a natural fit when deciding what’s my next step.”
Lundy thanks Premier Truck Driving Academy and Mobile Works for giving him the opportunity for a new career. He further mentions that getting back into the job market was scary. “At my age, I felt my options were somewhat limited,” Lunday explained. As an over-the road truck driver, he encourages citizens to have more awareness for a trucker. “Truck drivers are the unsung heros.”