Employment Applications
Applicants are almost always required to complete an employment application for every employer they visit, whether on their own or if invited for an interview. Except for the personal interview, the application form is the most important tool an employer uses in identifying the successful job applicant. So, properly filling out the application is extremely important.
In reading the application, employers look for:
Form is completely filled out
Form is neatly handwritten or typed
How well answers are related to the questions asked
How your skills are related to position you are applying for
If you have any months/years not noted or accounted for either with work or school experience
How long it took you to complete your application
If you had all your information available to complete the application
If you were prepared to complete the application at the time you applied for the position
Completing the Employment Application
Read the entire form before you start to fill it out, and ask questions if you do not understand
Carefully follow instructions
Be completeindicate a response or an explanation in all boxes on the application form. If the question does not apply write Not Applicable or N/A (not applicable), write DNA (does not apply) or draw a line.
Use a Pen, preferably one which has erasable ink so you can correct mistakes. Be careful not to ruin the form so you will not have to ask for another one and risk embarrassment.
Be neat and spell correctly.
Carry your completed sample application with you so that you will have all necessary dates and information written down and available in order to be accurate.
Answer all questions truthfully. Rather than being untruthful, leave the question unanswered by drawing a line or writing Will Discuss. Clearly state your personal qualifications and do not exaggeratebut do not be too modest either.
Notify references and obtain their permission before listing their names on an application.
Do not use abbreviations, but be concise and do not make long statements.
Do not state See Resume. It is acceptable to enclose a copy of your resume with the application, but the application must be completely filled out. The resume does not take it place.