Basic Skills Employers Look For
Employers look for some basic skills when hiring for any job. You need to understand what these are and be sure you know skills you have and skills you will want to work on.
1. Adaptive Skills
Adaptive skills are the skills you use every day to get along in all areas of your life. They can also be called self-management skills because they allow you to adjust to different situations. Most of these types of skills are your basic personality traits, but they can be learned.
Good Attendance Record
Arriving On Time / Ability to Meet Minor Deadlines
Getting Along with Coworkers / Getting Along with Supervisors
Following Instructions
Being Productive and Hardworking
Being Consistent
2. Transferable Skills
These are general skills that can be used on a variety of jobs or to transfer between careers. These skills are usually required in jobs with more responsibility and higher pay. All of these skills can be learned.
Meeting Major Deadlines / Planning Ahead / Accepting Responsibility
Speaking In Public / Communicating Properly In Writing
Controlling Budgets / Increasing Sales/Efficiency / Instructing Others
Supervising Others / Managing People / Solving Problems
Meeting the Public / Effective Communication with Top Management
Negotiating / Being Assertive / Organizing / Managing Projects
3. Job-Related Skills
Many skills you have acquired are specific to certain occupations and were gained through working, education, training, hobbies, volunteer activities or other life experiences you may have had.
Types of job-related skills:
Specific technical skills in operating machinery, computer programs, etc.
Skills specific to your occupation such as caring for children or adults, providing special services such as cooking, driving trucks or automobiles, managing projects, managing people, etc.