Angela Gray Success Story
Angela Gray was determined to attain her GED, even though she admits, “my life was a mess.” Gray says she used to be depressed “all the time” because although she completed four years of high school, making A’s and B’s, she didn’t pass the science part of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam. “It wasn’t that I couldn’t do it—I just wasn’t focusing on school at that time. A lot of times I was at school, but my mind wasn’t there.”
The reasons Gray’s mind wasn’t always focused on school was that she while she was in the 11th grade she had a baby. Gray stayed with different people because she didn’t want to stay with her own mother. She was extremely worried about the situation with her baby’s father and the fact that he wasn’t taking care of his child. According to Gray, she was lost and confused. “I knew what I wanted to do with my life, but I didn’t know what path to take or what direction to go in.”
It took Gray two years to decide that she wanted to get her GED. She attended DESI Career Training Center and was in the program less than two months before she passed her GED exam. Says Gray, “I knew then that I gave up too soon in high school.”
Since Gray has received her GED, her life has changed greatly—and for the better! She is currently attending Bishop State Community College to pursue a nursing degree. Her ultimate goal is to be an RN. She also works full time at Volunteers of America as a support staff person in the main office, which she enjoys.
“I am focused on taking care of my family. At times I still get discouraged, but I just pray and ask the Lord to give me strength and courage to make it through another day and He always does”, says Gray. “Getting my GED through DESI Career Training Center gave me the opportunity to go to college and achieve goals I had almost forgotten I had. I will be forever grateful.”
According to Barbara Ruffin, with DESI, “Angela didn’t let the numerous frustrations she faced stop her from enrolling in college or staying on the job. She is strong, responsible, self-reliant, dedicated and a role model to her children and other young, single mothers with limited support.”
At Mobile Works, we agree with that assessment and we know that Angela Gray is going to be a caring and successful RN, helping others as she herself was helped.