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Newsflash - September 17, 2007
Monday, Sep 17th, 2007

Our Business Is Jobs

Mobile Works Newsflash

Always an Interview, Never a Job Offer

Have you been on more interviews than you can count lately? While it is very encouraging to get called and invited to interview for a job that interests you, it can become very frustrating when the interviews never evolve into job offers. While many people tend to blame their resumes when they don't get the jobs they want, their resumes aren't always the problem. If you are getting invited to interview on the basis of your resume, the document isn't likely to be the culprit. After all, you are getting called in for the interviews, the resume itself must look pretty good.

It is important to understand that you aren't likely to get every single job for which you interview. Some jobs are meant for you and some jobs are not. However, when you habitually get overlooked when it comes to job offers, or even second interviews, it is a good time to step back and try to figure out where you have room to improve. You might just be having a string of bad luck, but there might be something going on that you can fix pretty easily.

In such situations, the problem typically is either a function of (a) your interviewing skills or (b) inconsistency between what your resume says and what you are saying in the interview.

Interviewing Skills

The best way to assess your interviewing skills is to seek out the assistance of someone you can trust to give you an honest opinion of how you come across in an interview. Set up a mock-interview situation with a friend that you trust to be honest with you.

Better yet, apply with an employment agency or visit your local one-stop career center. Let the recruiter or job developer you meet with know that you are concerned with how you are coming across to prospective employers. A good recruiter or job developer will gladly work with you to polish your interviewing techniques. After all, their goal is to help match applicants with jobs. Getting you placed will be their victory just as much as it is yours.

Inconsistency Between Resume and Responses

Do not lose sight of the fact that your resume is getting interviews for you. Something that your resume is "saying" appeals to prospective employers. If it didn't, they wouldn't be inviting you to interview. Take a look at your resume, and think abut how it consistently it reflects what you tell employers in an interview.

If your resume states that your career objective is to seek an entry-level sales position, and you proceed to tell the interviewer that you have no interest in working in sales and that you are terrified at the prospect of making a cold call, you can bet that this type of inconsistency is going to keep you from getting the job offer. Further, it is likely to keep you from ever getting any type of offer from the company because the recruiter will not be happy that you wasted his or her time applying for a job that you did not want to start with.

Another common problem occurs when what your resume says about your work experience contradicts what you say in an interview. Recent graduates often put internships and volunteer work on their resumes as documentation of experience, yet tell interviewers they don't have any experience in the field. Does your resume show that you completed an internship in a doctor's office and list the tasks that you performed during your internship? If so, when a recruiter asks you if you have experience, are you going to say "no" just because it wasn't paid experience? If so, you are quite literally shooting yourself in the foot.

Fixing the Problem

When you keep getting interviews, but you never seem to get the job offers that you want, it is time to reflect on how prepared you are for your interviews. Preparing for an interview is homework. In order to do well in a job interview, you need to research the company and the requirements of the job and figure out how you are coming across to interviewers.

Make a list of the questions you were asked on your last interview, and really put some thought into how the questions should be answered. Get feedback from other people about your answers. This will help you figure out the best way to respond to similar questions in the future.

Remember that getting a job offer as the result of an interview is like closing the sale. You resume got you the appointment. Now you have to figure out what it is that you have to do differently during the appointments to get the end result that you want.

Mary Gormandy White is a career and training expert who specializes in customer service, management, communication, and career development training at Mobile Technical Institute She also works with MTI Business Solutions, providing corporate training, public speaking, marketing, writing, and SEO consulting services to a wide variety of clients. Stop by regularly for useful career advice. Visit for small business tips.

Job Fairs this week at the Alabama Career Center
515 Springhill Plaza Court
Phone: 251/461-4486

Monday, September 17

9:00 a.m.
Waffle House

-Grill Operator


-Restaurant Manager

Tuesday, September 18

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Long's Human Resource Services

-Admin. Assistant


-Bus Drivers

9:45 a.m.

Liberty National Life Insurance Company

-Sales Agent

Wednesday, September 19

9:45 a.m.

Liberty National Life Insurance Company

-Sales Agent

Thursday, September 20
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Long's Human Resource Services


-Admin. Assistant

-Bus Drivers

9:00 a.m.

Waffle House
-Grill Operator

-Restaurant Manager

9:45 a.m.

Liberty National Life Insurance Company


Friday, September 21

No job fairs scheduled at this time



(updated 9/14/07)

Delivery Driver/CDL Class A or B with 2 years experience (Refer to Job Order # 359620 ) - High School Diploma or Equivalent Required -

Will drive a box truck to deliver merchandise or packages. Will make local deliveries including the coast of Alabama, Florida, or Mississippi. Will unload at the delivery location. Will lift up to 70 pounds

Maintenance/Groundskeeper with 2 years experience- (Refer to Job Order # 359852) Maintain grounds using hand or power tools or equipment. Mowing, trimming, planting watering, raking. Position also includes maintaining tools and light maintenance for office and warehouse building. Tasks may include replacement of A/C filters, replacement of bulbs and ballast and buffing of tile floors.

Child Care Worker (Refer to Job Order #
362375) -High School Diploma or Equivalent Required. Duties include providing care and protection for children. Will also maintain the room. Openings are for the Toddler 1 and Toddler 2 afternoon classes.

Staff Nurse LPN - Vocational Certificate or Credential Required (Refer to Job Order # 362389) Will perform medical assessments and procedures for clients and employees as necessary and permissible by level of licensing.

Design Project Engineer - Bachelors Degree and 3 years experience( Refer to Job Order # 362106 ) Will analyze engineering sketches, specifications and related data and drawings to determine design factors such as size, shape and arrangement of parts. Will sketch rough layouts and compute angles, weights, surface areas, dimensions, radii, clearances, tolerances, leverages and location of holes.

For more information on these jobs or to learn more about other jobs in Mobile County and throughout the state of Alabama, please visit

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The Mobile Housing Board Clinton L. Johnson Center for Economic Development announces the start of evening career and small business development classes for adults 18 years and older.

Evening Classes

GED Preparation

Child care


Small Business Development

Day Classes




Office Assistant

GED Preparation

For more information, please call 470-1728 or stop by the Center located at 1655 Eagle Drive, off Michigan Avenue near Interstate 10.

Bender Shipbuilding and Repair

Bishop State Community College Alabama

Alabama Industrial Development Training

Mobile County Personnel Board

Mobile Works

Alabama JobLink

Mobile County Personnel Board

Applications for the following positions will be accepted beginning Monday, September 17 for the following positions:

  • Animal Control Officer I
  • Automotive Service Worker I
  • Equipment Operator Trainee
  • Highway Maintenance Welder

  • Registrar - Fine Arts Museum
  • Youth Service Officer I
  • Information Technology Director
  • Firemedic
  • Office Assistant I
  • Public Safety Dispatcher I
  • Clerk/Driver
  • Court Reporter
  • Data Base Analyst II

  • GIS Manager
  • Librarian I
  • Planner I
  • Public Health Social Worker I
  • Public Health Social Worker II

  • Accepting applications for over 78 additional jobs.

    For more information please visit

    What is Newsflash?

    News about jobs, job opportunities, job statistics, job fairs and job training.

    "Getting people back to work is what this Department does. Giving people hope in their future is our job."

    - U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Elaine Chao


    Do you need help with job readiness and basic computer skills? Soft skills is the answer! Soft skills is a job readiness program presented in a series of one hour workshops. Students will learn the following and much, much more:

    - resume preparation
    - cover letter preparation
    - interviewing techniques
    - dress for success
    - effective communication skills and MUCH MORE!

    Soft skills is presented by Bishop State Community College in conjunction with Mobile Works, Inc. and the Alabama Career Center.

    **ALL jobseekers are eligible for this service. Please call Sheria Mitchell, Soft Skills Coordinator at 251/316-3528 for additional information.

    DESI Career Training Center Enrolling Now!

    If you are 18-21 years old, out of school and need a job, DESI Career Training Center wants to hear from you!


    951 Government Street Suite 312

    432-9561 Ext. 301 or 302

    Please call us if you are in need of the following:

    • assistance enrolling into college
    • referrals to welding training
    • Microsoft Office 2000 Certification Training

    • GED


    Bender Shipbuilding and Repair

    Applications will be accepted beginning

    Monday, September 17

    for the Shipfitter/Welding Program.

    The class is scheduled to begin Monday, October 1

    For more information ,please visit or contact the personnel office at 431-8080.or to receive an application

    Need help with your job search? Try Alabama JobLink!


    • build a resume

    • research career information

    • create a jobseeker account

    • search for jobs online

    • joblink has over 11alternate language translations available to jobseekers and business owners

    • establish a free e-mail account

    • register with job service

    • receive free e-mail alerts on job openings

    • link to Alabama Job Spider ( searches other Internet job banks for openings based on specifies search criteria

    460 job listings for Mobile County

    5,247 jobs listings available in Alabama

    98,867 resumes available to employers

    ThyssenKrupp Jobs

    Accounts Payable Manager

    Civil Engineer

    Fixed Assets Manger

    General Ledger Manager

    Head of Process Execution Systems

    IT Systems Integration Specialist

    Logistics Manager

    Tax Manager

    Please visit www.joblink.alabama.
    govand click on "ThyssenKrupp" to learn more about these and other jobs available!

    Riverview Plaza Hotel and the Battle House
    has the following positions available
    (revised 9/12/07)

    Management Positions

    Inventory Manager

    Assistant Restaurant Manager

    Event Operations Manager

    Director of Loss Prevention

    Staff Positions Available

    Banquet Captain

    Banquet Set Up

    Concierge Lounge Attendant

    Front Desk Clerk


    Restaurant Server

    Room Attendant
    Sales Assistant

    All applicants are subject to drug screening and background check.