Newsflash - July 24, 2007 Tuesday, Jul 24th, 2007
Federal Minimum Wage
Effective July 24, 2007
the Federal Minimum Wage
is now $5.85 per hour.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor
Unemployment Statistics
(percentage seasonally adjusted)
Alabama =3.5
United States = 4.5
**Source: U.S. Department of Labor |
Did You Know?
High School Dropout
Average Pay = $519 Unemployment Rate = 6.7%
High School Diploma Average Pay = $725 Unemployment Rate = 4.1 %
Associates Degree Average Pay = $856 Unemployment = 3.5 %
Bachelors Degree or Higher
Average Pay = $1408 Unemployment Rate = 2.0 %
Unemployment Rate of Youths ages 16-24 (as of October 2006)
Bachelors Degree or Higher Men = 7.6% Women = 5.0 %
No High School Diploma Men = 12.6 % Women = 25.9 %
Source: U. S. Department of Labor |
Mark your Calendar!
Tuesday, July 24
and Thursday, July 26
AIDT Job Readiness Classes
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 23
Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce Business and Technology Expo Thursday, August 27
BuildMobile Maritime Training Program
1975 Ave. C at Brookley Field
Job Fairs this week at the Alabama Career Center
515 Springhill Plaza Court
Mobile, AL 36608
251/461- 4498
July 23 - July 27 |
Monday, July 23
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- Grill Operator
- Salesperson/Server
- Restaurant Manager
Tuesday, July 24
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Long's Human Resource Services
9:45 a.m. Liberty National Life Insurance Company
Wednesday, July 25
No Job fairs are scheduled at this time.
Thursday, July 26
9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Long's Human Resource Services
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Waffle House
Grill Operator
Restaurant Manager
Friday, July 27
No job fairs are scheduled at this time.
Need help with your job search? Try Alabama JobLink!
Why JobLink?
build a resume
research career information
create a jobseeker account
search for jobs online
joblink has over 11alternate language transalations available to jobseekers and business owners
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link to Alabama Job Spider ( searches other internet job banks for openings based on specifies search criteria) |
527 job listings for Mobile County
4, 925 jobs available for jobseekers in the state of Alabama
90, 899 resumes available for employers |
What is Newsflash?
News about jobs, job statistics, job opportunities, job fairs and job training. Newsflash: Your Job Connection | |
Our Business Is Jobs
Mobile Works Newsflash
Daily Career Connection
Daily Career Connection is the latest and most comprehensive online resource for career advice and professional development resources, according to Mobile Technical Institute.
Daily Career Connection features free tips and advice on a wide variety of topics including: tips on getting promotions, career changes, job search and job interview tips, resume writing, entrepreneurship, occupational training, and much more for individuals at any stage in their careers.
Site visitors are welcome to register and post questions and comments, as well as take advantage of the many free career development resources on the site.
For a limited time, new site registrations will receive a free 50 Career Tips e-book, featuring 50 practical tips for job and promotion seekers. To get your copy, simply register at
Daily Career Connection is brought to you by Mobile Technical Institute and MTI Business Solutions ( |
AIDT to offer Job Readiness Classes
AIDT will offer Interview T.I.P.S. (Training to Improve Presentation Skills) on July 24 and July 26 from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
The eight hour workshops are designed to help jobseekers improve their chances of landing a job by teaching on the following:
- correct way to submit applications
- how to improve your communication skills with mock interviews
- proper interview follow-up
To register for this class at no cost to job seekers, please contact Sue Madison at 251/432-3336 ext. 6 to register. To register online, please visit
Employment Opportunities at Dearborn YMCA
Full-time and part-time daycare teachers and van drivers needed immediately. All applicants must meet the following qualifications:
- At least 19 years of age
- valid drivers license
- minimum of 1 year experience in a childcare setting
- complete a successful background check
- pass drug test
Application packages available onsite Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Dearborn YMCA
321 N. Warren Street
Mobile, AL 36603
251/432-4768 |
Mobile County Personnel Board
Applications for the following positions will be accepted beginning Monday, July 23 for the following jobs:
- Equipment Operator
- Parts Clerk
- Carpenter
- Office Assistant I
Accepting applications for over 105 additional jobs. If you are interested in applying, please send information to [email protected].
Are you ready to enter the workforce? Do you need help with preparing for a job interview or need to brush up on your computer skills? If so, job readiness training is available to job seekers and employers at no cost!
Soft Skills is a job readiness program presented in a series of one hour workshops at the Alabama Career Center. Students will learn the following and much more:
- Resume preparation
- Interviewing Techniques
- Dressing for Success
- Effective Communication Skills
- Keyboarding and much more!
Soft Skills is presented by Bishop State Community College in Conjunction with Mobile Works and the Alabama Career Center. To learn more about Soft Skills, please call Sheria Mitchell, Soft Skills Coordinator at 251/316-3528 or e-mail her at [email protected] |
The Riverview Plaza Hotel is looking for energetic, outgoing, hospitality-oriented applicants for a new restaurant scheduled to open in August 2007. The following positions are available:
Restaurant Manager
Dining Room Attendants
Restaurant Servers
Room Service Servers
Cooks-Levels, 1, 2 and 3
Want to learn more about the services provided by Mobile Works ?
Please call 432-0909 ext. 140 or e-mail [email protected] to schedule a presentation. Alabama JobLink tutorials are also available. |
Do you have news to share about jobs or job training opprtunities. Please e-mail [email protected]. | |
Mobile Works, Inc. | 61 Saint Joseph Street 1500 | Mobile | AL | 36601