Press Room

Newsflash - July 18, 2007
Tuesday, Jul 17th, 2007



Unemployment Statistics
(seasonally adjusted)

Mobile =3.3

Alabama =3.5

United States = 4.5 %



**Source: U.S. Department of Labor

Mark your Calendar!


Tuesday, July 24 
Thursday, July 26

AIDT Job Readiness Classes


 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.


Thursday, August 23 
Mobile Area Chamber of  Commerce Business and Technology Expo

Thursday, August 27
BuildMobile Maritime Training Program

1975 Ave. C at Brookley Field



Job Fairs this week at the Alabama Career Center


515 Springhill Plaza Court

Mobile, AL 36608

251/461- 4498


July 16 - July 20

Monday, July 16

Waffle House

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

  • Grill Operator
  • Salesperson/Server
  • Restaurant Manager


Weiser Security
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

  • Security Guard
  • Lead Security Officer 
  • Valet Parking Attendant

WIS International

9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

  • Inventory Associate (apply online at before coming in for an interview with a representative from the company)


Tuesday, July 17


9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Long's Human Resource Services

  • Graphic Artist

  • Receptionist/Secretary

  • Production

  • Material Handler (Chemical Background)

Wednesday, July 18

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Multi Staffing

  • Various jobs available

Thursday, July 19 

9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.
Long's Human Resource Services

  • Graphic Artist

  • Receptionist/Secretary

  • Production

  • Material Handler (Chemical Background) 

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Waffle House

  • Grill Operator
  • Salesperson/Server
  • Restaurant Manager       


    Friday, July 20

    10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

    Satellites Unlimited

  • Satellite Technician

  • Experience is helpful, but not preferred. Training program is available with  earning potential of $37,000 plus per year. Health benefits, retirement and  vacation available to employees.





    Mobile County Personnel Board
    Applications for the following positions will be accepted beginning Monday, July 16 for the following jobs:


    • Senior Citizens Aide II 
    • Recreation Program Supervisor
    • Water Service Operator II
    • Fiscal Officer I
    • Police Officer I
    • Field Auditor
    • Jailer Dispatcher I 


    Accepting applications for over 102 additional jobs. If you are interested in applying, please send information to [email protected].




    What is Newsflash?

    News about jobs, job stats, job opportunities, job fairs and job training.


    ** NOW HIRING **


    The Riverview Plaza Hotel is looking for energetic, outgoing, hospitality-oriented applicants for a new restaurant scheduled to open in August 2007. The following positions are available:



    Restaurant Manager


    Dining Room Attendants


    Restaurant Servers

    Room Service Servers

    Cooks-Levels, 1, 2 and 3


    Please visit or call 251/415-3705 to learn more!

    Need help with your job search? Try Alabama JobLink!



    • build a resume

    • research career information

    • create a jobseeker account

    • search for jobs online

    • joblink has over 11alternate language transalations available to jobseekers and business owners

    • establish a free e-mail account

    • register with job service

    • receive free e-mail alerts on job openings

    • link to Alabama Job Spider ( searches other internet job banks for openings based on specifies search criteria)

    517 job listings for Mobile County

    4, 784 jobs available for jobseekers in the state of Alabama

    89,390 resumes available for employers

    Our Business Is Jobs

    Mobile Works Newsflash


    Did you Know?

                Did you know there is a Federal Bonding Program (FBP) for job applicants and/or current employees? The Federal Bonding Program provides individual fidelity bonds to employers for job applicants and/or employees who are considered high risk because of a record of arrest, conviction, imprisonment, poor credit history, lack of employment, dishonorable discharge or a history of alcohol or drug abuse.

        Coverage is provided by the Travelers Property Casualty Company through the Federal Bonding Program, which is administered by the State Employment Service. The FBP is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. For more information, please call 1-800-233-2258 or visit

    AIDT to offer Job Readiness Classes


    AIDT will offer Interview T.I.P.S.  (Training to Improve Presentation Skills) on July 24 and July 26 from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.


    The eight hour workshops are designed to help jobseekers improve their chances of landing a job by teaching on the following:


    • correct way to submit applications
    • how to improve your communication skills with mock interviews
    • proper interview follow-up


    To register for this class at no cost to job seekers, please contact Sue Madison at 251/432-3336 ext. 6 to register. To register online, please visit



    Employment Opportunities at Dearborn YMCA


    Full-time and part-time daycare teachers and van drivers needed immediately. All applicants must meet the following qualifications:


    • At least 19 years of age
    • valid drivers license
    • minimum of 1 year experience in a childcare setting
    • complete a successful background check
    • pass drug test

    Application packages available onsite Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


    Dearborn YMCA

    321 N. Warren Street

    Mobile, AL 36603


    Want to learn more about the services provided by Mobile Works ?


    Please call 432-0909 ext. 140 or e-mail [email protected] to schedule a presentation. Alabama JobLink tutorials are also available.


    Prepare...Get Ready..Learn the Art of Getting a Job!

    Are you ready to enter the workforce? Do you need help with preparing for a job interview or need to brush up on your computer skills? If so, job readiness training is available to job seekers and employers at no cost!


    Soft Skills is a job readiness program presented in a series of one hour workshops at the Alabama Career Center.Students will learn the following and much more:

    • Resume preparation
    • Interviewing Techniques
    • Dressing for Success
    • Effective Communication Skills
    • Keyboarding and much more!

    Soft Skills is presented by Bishop State Community College in Conjunction with Mobile Works and the Alabama Career Center. To learn more about Soft Skills,please call Sheria Mitchell, Soft Skills Coordinator at 251/316-3528 or e-mail her at [email protected]


    eliminating racism
    empowering women



    YWCA Seeks Chief Executive Officer


    The YWCA of Greater Mobile is looking for a candidate who desires to help improve the quality of life for women and families in the Greater Mobile community. If you have the passion, dedication, commitment and requirements to help move this mission-driven association to the next level, then the YWCA needs you.


    The YWCA is a 102 year old nonprofit organization committed to its mission: Eliminating Racism and Empowering Women, While Enriching Families. We seek a dynamic and accomplished leader to provide strategic direction and program oversight.


    Organizational and Community Overview

    The YWCA of Greater Mobile is part of a 25 million member international movement, and an active local association of the YWCA of the USA participating in numerous regional, national and international collaborative efforts. With an operating budget of nearly $800,000 and 60 employees, the YWCA provides programs and services for women and their families, including child care, after school care, child care for homeless children, teen mentoring programs, and women's advocacy/empowerment programs.


    Position Description, Duties and Responsibilities

    The CEO reports to a Board of Directors, and will be responsible for implementation of a strategic plan as set by the Board of Directors, as well as, annual goals and objectives. The CEO has management responsibilities for the senior leadership team and the employees of the YWCA. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, leadership, oversight, and planning.



    The successful candidate must have the following:

    • At least five years of full-time senior management experience (or the equivalent)  and a broad knowledge of nonprofit organizations, social service programs and commitment to the mission;
    • Experience managing budgets and financial resources, excellent written, verbal and presentation skills;
    • Ability to establish goals and objectives to meet expected results;
    • Knowledge to lead organizational change and develop high-performing work teams;
    • Expertise in writing, securing and managing grants; 
    • Ability to successfully collaborate with YWCA stakeholders, staff and board of directors.


    Additionally, it is preferred that applicants possess a bachelor's degree in social work, education, business, nonprofit management or a related field (a graduate degree is a plus)


    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, resume, three letters of reference and salary requirements in confidence to: YWCA of Greater Mobile, Attention: Search Committee, 551 Summerville Street, Mobile, AL 36617 or e-mail to [email protected]. The review of applications will begin immediately. Appointment expected to begin Sept. 1, 2007. For more information please visit


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