Newsflash - July 5, 2007 Thursday, Jul 5th, 2007
Structural Welder $22 per hour with 3 years experience
(last updated 7/2/07)
Insurance Biller- $10-15 per hour with 2 years experience
(last updated 7/2/07)
General Maintenance - $ 14.50 per hour no experience necessary
(last updated 7/2/07)
Bender Ship Building and Repair to begin Craftsman Training Classes
On July 9 Bender Shipbuilding and repair will offer training in the following programs and trades:
The training program is approximately seven weeks and consists of both academic and hands on training. For more information, please visit or contact the personnel office at 431-8080.
Unemployment Statistics
Mobile =3.0 % Alabama = 3.5% United States = 4.5%
Source: U.S. Department of Labor
Job Fairs this Week at the Alabama Career Center
515 Springhill Plaza Court Mobile, AL 36608 461-4146
July 2- July 6
Monday, July 2
Waffle House 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. -Grill Operator -Salesperson/Server -Restaurant Manager
Tuesday, July 3
Longs Human Resource Services 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. -Admin. Assistant -Receptionist -Legal Secretary -Accounts Payable -Accounts Receivables -Bookkeeper -Production -Material Handler (Chemical Background)
Wednesday, July 4
**State Holiday** Offices will be closed
Thursday, July 5
Waffle House 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. -Grill Operator -Salesperson/Server -Restaurant Manager
Longs Human Resource Services 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. -Admin. Assistant -Receptionist -Legal Secretary -Accounts Payable -Accounts Receivables -Bookkeeper -Production -Material Handler (Chemical Background)
Get on the road to success with Alabama JobLink!
Why JobLink?
- build a resume
- research career information
- create a jobseeker account
- search for jobs online
- joblink is available in Spanish and French
- establish a free e-mail account
- receive free e-mail alerts on job openings
- link to Alabama JobSpider
489 job listings for Mobile County
4, 798 jobs available for jobseekers in the state of Alabama
89,374 resumes available for employers
Our Business Is Jobs
Mobile Works Newsflash
In today's competitive job market. Jobseekers must go the extra mile to distinguish themselves from the competition. Gone are the days when an employer may give you the job based on your potential, willingness to learn or friendly personality. Increasing competition in the business world leaves little opportunity for employers to spend a huge amount of time training promising employees. Instead, employers want to hire someone that has the appropriate skill set.
Jobseekers now have an additional tool to increase their chances of being hired. The Alabama Career Readiness Certificate proves to an employer that you can handle key tasks such as fact finding, reading instructions, following directions and working with figures that are essential tools needed in any workplace.
Mobile County Personnel Board Applications for the following positions will be accepted beginning Monday, July 2 for the following positions: -Programmer/Analyst I -Maintenance Mechanic -Municipal Court Officer -Engineering Technician II -Principal Planner -Planning Technician -Planner II -Engineering Technician IV ** ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR OVER 93 ADDITIONAL JOBS!**
Mark your Calendar!
Dearborn YMCA Open House
321 North Warren Street
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, July 12
Business Resource Fair
USA Brookley Conference Center
254 Old Bay Front Drive
10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
July 24-July 26
Tuesday, July 24 and Thursday, July 26
AIDT Job Readiness Classes
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 23
Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce Business and Technology Expo Thursday, August 27
BuildMobile Maritime Training Program
1975 Ave. C at Brookley Field |
Maritime Welding Program Instructor Needed
AIDT is seeking a qualified professional to fill a full time Welding Instructor position based at the Maritime Welding Center in Brookley Complex located at 1890 3rd Street.
Send a detailed resume to:
Welding Program Instructor Attn: Olga Harris AIDT Mobile Center 1854 Ninth Street Brookley Complex Mobile, AL 36615
**Resumes MUST be received no later than July 6 at 1:00 p.m.**
Need help with your resume or would like to brush up on your computer skills? If so, Soft Skills can get you on the road to success! Soft Skills is a job readiness program presented in a series of one hour workshops at the Alabama Career Center. Students will learn the following and much more:
- resume preparation
- interviewing techniques
- dressing for success
- effective communication skills
- keyboarding and much more
For more information, contact Sheria Mitchell, Soft Skills Coordinator at 251/316-3528 or e-mail her at [email protected]. | |