Newsflash - June 18, 2007 Monday, Jun 18th, 2007
Unemployment Statistics
Mobile =3.3
Alabama =3.3
United States = 4.3 %
**Source: U.S. Department of Labor |
Mark your Calendar!
Thursday, July 12
Business Resource Fair
USA Brookley Conference Center
254 Old Bay Front Drive
10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
July 24-July 26
Thursday,August 23
Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce Business and Technology Expo
Job Fairs this week at the Alabama Career Center
515 Springhill Plaza Court
Mobile, AL 36608
251/461- 4498
June 18 - June 23 |
Monday, June 18
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- Grill Operator
- Salesperson/Server
- Restaurant Manager
Tuesday, June 19
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Long's Human Resource Services
Wednesday, June 20
Multi Staffing
- Call Center Representative (no telemarketing)
Thursday, June 21
9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Long's Human Resource Services
9:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m.
Waffle House
Grill Operator
Restaurant Manager
Need help with your job search? Try Alabama JobLink!
Why JobLink?
build a resume
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joblink has over 11alternate language transalations available to jobseekers and business owners
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link to Alabama Job Spider ( searches other internet job banks for openings based on specifies search criteria)
Mobile County Personnel Board
Applications for the following positions will be accepted beginning Monday, June 18 for the following jobs:
- Activities Specialist I
- Environmental Patrol Officer II
- Equipment Opeartor Trainee
- Equipment Operator II
Accepting applications for over 94 additional jobs. If you are interested in applying, please send information to [email protected].
What is Newsflash?
News about jobs, job stats, job opportunities, job fairs and job training.
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Our Business Is Jobs
Mobile Works Newsflash
Bradley Byrne to Speak at Mobile Works Board Meeting
On Wednesday, June 20, Mobile Works will hold its quarterly Workforce Investment Board Meeting at the International Trade Club located at 250 North Water Street. The meeting will begin at 11:45 a.m. and Bradley Byrne, Chancellor of the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education (in which he serves as the executive officer of Alabama's two-year college system) and former State Senator will be the guest speaker. The meeting is free and open to the public.
Mobile Works, a local partnership of business, education, labor and community leaders is Mobile's workforce development organization, which operates under Alabama's Workforce Investment Act. For additional information please call 432-0909 or visit
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Dearborn YMCA Accepting Applicants July 1 for Pathway to Employment Program
Dearborn YMCA located at 321 N. Warren Street will begin enrolling out of school youth ages 16-21 interested in receiving a GED and vocational training assistance.
Eligible candidates are provided the following:
- Free daycare services
- transportation
- meals
- daily stipends
An open house is scheduled for Monday, July 2 from 9:00 - 1:00 p.m. for individuals and organizations interested in learning more about the program. For additional information, please contact Sharon Smith, Case Manager at 251/432-4768. |
Want to learn more about the services provided by Mobile Works ?
Please call 432-0909 ext. 140 or e-mail [email protected] to schedule a presentation. Alabama JobLink tutorials are also available. |
AIDT to offer Job Readiness Classes
AIDT will offer Interview T.I.P.S. (Training to Improve Presentation Skills) on July 24 and July 26 from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
The eight hour workshops are designed to help jobseekers improve their chances of landing a job by teaching on the following:
- correct way to submit applications
- how to improve your communication skills with mock interviews
- proper interview follow-up
To register for this class at no cost to job seekers, please contact Sue Madison at 251/432-3336 ext. 6 to register. To register online, please visit
Prepare...Get Ready..Learn the Art of Getting a Job!
Are you ready to enter the workforce? Do you need help with preparing for a job interview or need to brush up on your computer skills? If so, job readiness training is available to job seekers and employers at no cost!
Soft Skills is a job readiness program presented in a series of one hour workshops at the Alabama Career Center.Students will learn the following and much more:
- Resume preparation
- Interviewing Techniques
- Dressing for Success
- Effective Communication Skills
- Keyboarding and much more!
Soft Skills is presented by Bishop State Community College in Conjunction with Mobile Works and the Alabama Career Center. To learn more about Soft Skills,please call Sheria Mitchell, Soft Skills Coordinator at 251/316-3528 or e-mail her at [email protected] |
DESI Career Training Center Enrolling Now!
If you are 18-21 years old, out of school and need a job, DESI Career Training Center wants to hear from you!
"Your Success Starts Here," states Micheal Dunnagan, Director of DESI. DESI, located at 951 Government Street Suite 312 has been successfully serving out of school youth for the past five years. Applicants interested in the program should call at 432-9561 Ext. 301 or 302 if you are in need of the following:
- a job
- a GED
- assistance enrolling into college
- referrals to welding training
- Microsoft Office 2000 Certification Training
Mobile Works, Inc. | 61 Saint Joseph Street 1500 | Mobile | AL | 36601