Mobile Works accepting applications for training scholarships Wednesday, Jun 26th, 2013 Mobile Works accepting applications for training scholarships
Mobile Works is accepting applications for training scholarships on today. Job seekers can train for a new career in aviation, welding, air conditioning/refrigeration, auto body, carpentry, civil engineering, diesel mechanic, electrical technician, truck driving, nursing, masonry and plumbing, surgical technician, and other programs. Mobile Works recently announced the addition of new training programs with the University of South Alabama. Job seekers and dislocated workers can receive training in radiologic science, emergency medical services and cardioresparatory care.
Eligible applicants could qualify for up to $10,000 for training scholarships. Applicants interested in receiving a skills training scholarship must meet the following criteria:
� receive admission to program of preference
� meet eligibility requirements
�complete the work keys assessment
�complete degree in 2 years or less
�We hope that this training positions them to compete for jobs in Mobile County. Some jobs are not coming back and it�s important for them to learn a new skill that matches the needs of local employers,� said Sydney Raine, Mobile Works president. To learn more, please call 432-0909 or visit