Press Room

Frequently asked questions about the Alabama Career Center
Friday, Jul 8th, 2011

I need a job; where can I look?

If you were recently laid off or trying to get back into the workforce, you are encouraged to visit the Alabama Career Center located at 515 Springhill Plaza Court. Job seekers have access to a range of services under one roof. Services include training opportunities through Mobile Works, employment search assistance through the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations and Bishop State's Adult Basic Education. Furthermore, workers with disabilities can receive specialized job-related training and assistance through the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services and veterans can receive employment search assistance from veteran's employment service representatives on site.

What jobs are available at the Alabama Career Center? Employers notify the Career Center of job openings at their company.

Employers may request their job opening be posted on the Alabama JobLink website( or an employer has the option to post their own job opening on the website. The JobLink website is the primary vehicle used for notifying the public of job openings at area businesses.

I work with a non-profit organization that provides career counseling and guidance for hard to serve youth and adults. How can I best instruct my clients on how to search for a job?

In order to effectively serve your clients, it's important that you learn how to use the Career Center and familiarize yourself and staff with the services available to get job seekers back to work. Training courses and tours are available to teach you how use the Alabama Career Center and maximize the services available. Also it's important that you learn how to use the Alabama JobLink website . To learn more, please call 461-4468 or contact Derrick Turner at [email protected] .

I don't have a computer. Could you provide me with a list of jobs available at the Career Center? Can I just call and get a list of jobs?

Unfortunately, businesses post their jobs on the JobLink website. This measure ensures applicants have access to ALL job openings from businesses utilizing the services of the Alabama Career Center. Likewise, applying online ensures you are included in the review process for any job opening you submit an application. On occasion an employer may suggest you fax a resume, e-mail a resume or apply in person. Also, job seekers who don't have computer experience are encouraged to visit the Career Center and talk with a Career Center Specialist.

Why do Career Center employees ask about a resume and my prior job history?

In order to best serve the job seeker and the employer it's important that job seekers provide detailed information on their past work history. This process helps the Career Center Specialist provide the best match or job lead to the job seeker and the employer.

I don't know how to use the computer for a job search. How can I find out about jobs?

If you don't know how to use the computer, consider taking a basic computer course in Microsoft Word and a course on navigating the internet and competing job applications online. Most jobs require that you complete a job application online and have basic computer skills. Also, the local library offers basic computer classes at no cost and Bishop State's Ready to Work Program provides computer and job readiness training at no cost. To register for Bishop's program, please call Sheria Mitchell at 405-7085