Press Room

On-the Job Training Available
Thursday, Sep 2nd, 2010

Mobile Works is pleased to announce that the On-the-Job Training (OJT) program is back and available to business owners and companies large and small. This program allows Mobile Works to contract with businesses that are planning to hire. Mobile Works will pay up to 50% of wages associated with training an eligible new hire. "OJT is an opportunity to connect companies with workers who are interested in learning a new skill. Trainees acquire a new skill to help businesses succeed," states Sydney Raine, Mobile Works President.

In fact, for profit companies and non-profit agencies could be eligible for an OJT contract. Areas of training include professional, semi-professional positions as well as trades and manufacturing jobs. Additionally, business owners with a worker's compensation policy, a federal tax identification number, seeking full time workers and willing to pay at least $9 per hour should call 251/432-0909 ext. 146 or visit