Mobile Works awarded $2.1 million for job training and youth programs Thursday, Apr 16th, 2009
Mobile Works, Inc. has been awarded $2,149,564 in funding for job training and youth programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (AARA) of 2009. $1,187,738 dollars will be used to fund summer jobs and career exploration opportunities through partnerships with the Mobile County Public School System, the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce and area non-profit organizations. Youth ages 17-24 are being sought to fill 200 summer jobs.
Additionally, the balance of funds totaling $961,826 will subsidize training for adults and dislocated workers through short-term and on-the job training programs. �Our employment and training programs will focus on high-wage, high-demand, high-growth jobs in maritime, aviation, construction, manufacturing, healthcare, transportation/materials handling and technology,� states Sydney Raine, Mobile Works President.
For more information about the summer jobs program or short-term training programs, please visit Mobile Works located in the Alabama Career Center at 515 Springhill Plaza Court or log onto or call 432-0909.
Summer job applications will be issued on Friday, April 24 at the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission�s Business Expo and Jobs Fair at the Mobile Civic Center. After April 24, applicants interested in summer jobs may complete an application at the Alabama Career Center.