Press Room

Wednesday, Jun 4th, 2008

Mobile Works, Inc. has been awarded funding for Job Training and Youth programs in the amount of $2,315,119 for the program year beginning July 1st, 2008. These dollars will underwrite a variety of short term and long term workforce development training initiatives. Several new strategies, developed through collaboration with area business leaders, Bishop State Community College, providers of Youth services in the community will be underwritten with these funds. According to President Sydney Raine, �Mobile Works is committed to assuring that these funds are invested effectively, efficiently and responsively and are leveraged in a way that maximizes the impact that they have on this area�s critical training needs�.

Job training programs which focus on high wage, high demand, and high growth jobs in Mobile County are top priorities for these training initiatives. Areas of focus will be in jobs in maritime, aviation, construction, manufacturing, healthcare, transportation/materials handling and technology.

Furthermore, in order to maximize training dollars for training programs and meet future demand for training programs, Mobile Works will consolidate its downtown administrative offices with its Adult and Youth Services Division at the Alabama Career Center located at 515 Springhill Plaza Court.

�Streamlining our overhead operating expenses will insure that Mobile Works, Inc. continues to maximize its training dollars for Mobile County as well as offer new and improved services to address the training needs of the community�, Raine further elaborated.

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