Press Room

November Newsflash
Monday, Nov 19th, 2007

Mobile Works News Bulletin
Monday, November 19, 2007
Book Review - Stepping Up: 12 Ways to Rev Up, Revitalize, or Renew Your Career

Whether you are just starting out in your career, seeking a promotion, or are thinking about taking your career in a new direction, you will benefit from the practical tips and suggestions in Stepping Up: 12 Ways to Rev Up, Revitalize, or Renew Your Career. With more than 35 years of experience as a human resources professional, author S. Gary Snodgrass is a reliable resource for career success advice.

Readers are encouraged to spend time thinking about skills and preferences that impact job satisfaction. Snodgrass is a proponent of lifelong learning as a key component of career success. He reminds readers that the way to get up the next step in the career ladder is to evaluate skill gaps and seek the training needed to get from where you are to where you want to be, and he provides step-by-step guidance regarding how to do so.

This brief, easy-to-read volume is full of practical advice that can make a real difference in your lifelong job satisfaction. It reads quickly, is less than 100 pages, and is full of inspirational tips that can help put you on the path to the career of your dreams.

Book review provided by Mary Gormandy White, training and career expert with Mobile Technical Institute and MTI Business Solutions ( Visit for small business marketing, PR, and operations advice, as well as an ongoing series of business book reviews. See for professional development tips and career advice. 

Alabama Career Center- Job Fairs this Week
Monday, November 19  
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Waffle House
-Grill Operator
-Restaurant Manager
Tuesday, November 20
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Long's Human Resource Services
-Admin. Asst
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Liberty National Life Insurance
-Sales Agent
Wednesday, November 21
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Liberty National Life Insurance
-Sales Agent
Thursday, November 22
Holiday~ Offices Closed
Friday, November 23
Offices Closed
A Look Ahead...
Wednesday, December 5
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.




  located in the
Clinton L. Johnson Center
1655 Eagle Drive
Mobile, AL 36605

Make One-Stop for Technology and Resource Assistance

Services Available
Computer Assistance
Internet Assistance
Job Listings Board
Job Search Assistance
Resume Writing Assistance
Career Assessments
Educational Assessments
Financial Aid Counseling
Money Smart Training
Learn to Type/Keyboarding
Job Workshops
Job Fairs
For more information, contact  Danita Arceneaux at 476-8724 or
470-0372 or via e-mail ar [email protected].

Renaissance Riverview Plaza Hotel/ Battle House


Alabama JobLink Job Postings

November 19, 2007
For more information about these jobs or to learn more about other jobs in Mobile County and/or the state of Alabama, please visit

Auto Body Person$10.00 - $10.00, Full-time 
High School Diploma or Equivalent with 3 Years Experience

Duties are to exchange auto body parts and to make dent repairs without instructions. Will also prep and tape. Refer to Job Order Number: 359179 

Maintenance Technician - 00072822- $19.17 - $22.09, Full-time -High School Diploma or Equivalent with 3 Years Experience. Apply online at Duties include inspecting and evaluating equipment and equipment performance. Will perform tasks associated with testing, inspection and repair of equipment including taking apart and reassembling components after repairing or replacing parts. Will work with technical personnel to resolve related equipment issues. Will document and record required maintenance information into SAP. Will verify that equipment or areas are safe for normal use, hazardous ...Refer to Job Order Number:  368875


I & E Supervisor -$60,000.00 - $80,000.00, Full-time Bachelors Degree with 3 Years Experience. 
Apply online at Duties are to lead and/or support the Maintenance Excellence Design Team throughout the roll out of the work management process. Will co-lead and/or support the site sub-teams for reviewing the weekly metrics scorecard, deficiencies and action items. Will compile the weekly sub-team worksheet with the Operations Manager prior to the meeting for distribution. Will compile the weekly metrics scorecard for distribution to the site.   Refer to Job Order Number:  368874

Design Project Engineer-$40,000.00 - $70,000.00, Full-time- Bachelors Degree with 3 Years Experience. E-mail, mail or fax a resume to the employer. Duties are to provide support to the production area and assembly area (jigs, fixtures, etc.). Will analyze engineering sketches, specifications and related data and drawings to determine design factors such as size, shape and arrangement of parts. Will sketch rough layouts and compute angles, weights, surface areas, dimensions, radii, clearances, tolerances, leverages and location of holes.  Refer to Job Order Number:  362106

Treatment Aide-$7.50 - $7.50, Full-time or Part-time High School Diploma or Equivalent -No Experience Requirement.

Duties include direct supervision of program clients. Will conduct basic groups using approved program curriculum materials as required, basic administrative duties and will participate in treatment staff meetings as required. Refer to Job Order Number:  362329 

DESI Career Training Center will be moving to a new training facility effective November 26. The new facility will be located at
One Office Park
273 Azalea Road, Suite 215
Mobile, AL 36609
Phone: 251/ 344-0577
Fax: 251/ 344-0580
DESI Career Training Center Enrolling Now!

If you are 18-21 years old,  out of school and need a job, DESI Career Training Center wants to hear from you!  

"Your Success Starts Here," states Micheal Dunnagan, Director of DESI.  DESI,  presently located at 951 Government Street Suite 312 has been successfully serving out of school youth for the past five years. Applicants interested in the program should call at 432-9561 Ext. 301 or 302  if you are in need of the following:
  • a job
  • a GED
  • assistance enrolling into college
  • referrals to welding training
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Certification Training
  • Career Readiness Certificate

Holiday Shopping Season =         More Jobs

The day after Thanksgiving is the traditional start of the holiday shopping season and has been hailed as one of the busiest shopping days of the year. While many Americans shop, others work in temporary jobs during the holiday season. In a pattern that is seen year after year, many retail trade industries hire additional seasonal employees beginning in November.



Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Links of Interest

South Alabama Regional Planning Commission

Bender Shipbuilding and Repair

Renaissance Riverview/Battle House

Atlantic Marine

Mobile Technical Institute

Career Ready Alabama

Mobile County
Personnel Board
Applications for the following
positions will be accepted
Monday, November  19
for the following job:

Assistant City Architectural Engineer

Accepting applications for over 95 additional jobs. If you are interested in applying, please send information to [email protected]

Voluntary Scheduled Typing Test for NOVEMBER
Each Wednesday
AM= 8:30; 9:00; 9:30
PM= 2:30; 3:00; 3:30
15 Minutes Prior to Testing
Applicants for clerical/secretarial positions must have a passing score on typing exams given by Mobile County Personnel Board before submitting an
An applicant is allowed to take one typing exam per calendar month.
Applicants are tested on
a "first-come, first-served" basis.
Available Clerical Positions

Secretary I
Records Specialist
Secretary II
Office Assistant I (F/T or P/T)




Need help with your job search? Try Alabama JobLink!



  • build a resume
  • research career information
  • create a jobseeker account
  • search for jobs online
  • joblink has over 11alternate language translations available to jobseekers and business owners
  • establish a free e-mail account
  • register with job service
  • receive free e-mail alerts on job openings
  • link to Alabama Job Spider ( searches other Internet job banks for openings based on specifies search criteria

330 job listings for Mobile County

4,328  jobs listings available in Alabama
114,165  resumes available to employers
Bender Shipbuilding and Repair Co. Inc.
is currently hiring for the following positions:
* Flux Core Welders
*Ceramic Tape Welders
*Pipe Welders
Interested applicants must apply in person at:
Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc.
304 South Royal street
Mobile, AL 36603

 Enterprise -Ozark Community College

AMT/AMP Instructor -
Mobile Campus
Interested Applicants should contact
Human Resources at
334/347-2623 ext. 2222
or download an application at
Application Deadline:
Friday, December 7,2007

Mark your Calendar!

Monday, November 26
Build Mobile Maritime Class
For more information, contact Marla Justiss at 438-2816 ext. 5117
Saturday, December 8
Jobs Fair
City of Prichard

9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m

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