Press Room

Newsflash - October 22, 2007
Tuesday, Oct 23rd, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007
Mobile Works Partners with
Mobile Public Library

Mobile Works, Inc. and the Mobile Public Library have partnered to offer jobseekers and library customers another resource in accessing on-line information pertaining to jobs and job training resources. MobileWorks is pleased to announce that Alabama JobLink information cards�are available at all �Mobile Public Library locations. The Alabama JobLink information cards provide library customers with the JobLink website and a brief listing of features available.

Alabama JobLink, found at� is an online job matching website that allows jobseekers to opportunity to view job listings throughout Mobile County and the state of Alabama. Furthermore, JobLink provides and opportunity for business owners and employers an opportunity to view resumes posted online. Jobseekers�can also��

research career information, create a jobseeker account, get e-mail alerts on job openings, build a resume and link to other job bank websites. The Alabama JobLink website can also be converted to 11 other languages (Korean, German, Russian, Chinese (simplified and traditional, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Greek and Japanese) and has daily job updates and postings.

"We are excited about this opportunity to display the JobLink information cards," states Mobile Works President, Sydney Raine. "With economic development projects on the rise, it's important for jobseekers to be informed of the available resources and prospective job opportunities available." �

Mobile Public Library Director Spencer Watts notes, "We are pleased to be joining Mobile Works in this effort to make job-related resources more accessible.� This cooperative venture fits nicely with the Library's collection of materials that help people build better resumes and improve their interview skills.� Job seekers in our community will benefit greatly from the rich array of services and information that can be found on the Alabama JobLink site." The information tent cards are displayed at 224 workstations throughout the Mobile Public Library System.

Sydney Raine, President of Mobile Works shows Spencer Watts, Mobile Library Director the advantages of using Alabama JobLink.�

Job fairs this week
Alabama Career Center
515 Springhill Plaza Court
Phone: 251/461-4486

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Waffle House
-Grill Operator
-Restaurant Manager
Tuesday,�October 23
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Long's Human Resource Services
-Admin. Assistant
Wednesday, October 24
9:00 a.m.� - 12:00
Advance America Cash Advance
-Center Manager
-Asst. Center Manager
-Customer Service Representative
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Millard Refrigerated Services
-Forklift Operators
-Maintenance Mechanics
-Shift Supervisors
Thursday, October 25
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Long's Human Resource Services
-Admin. Assistant
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Waffle House
-Grill Operator
-Restaurant Manager

Friday, October 26

No job fairs scheduled at this time

A Look Ahead
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Monday, October 29
Mediacom Communications Corporation
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 31
Alabama Department of Corrections

Join Our Mailing List
Enterprise Ozark Community College
  • Avionics Technology Instructor
  • Secretary to Director of Aviation Center at Mobile
Application deadline: October 26 at 1:00 p.m.
For qualifications and application procedures, chttps://Human Resources at 334/347-2623 ext.2222 or download an application at

The Battle House and Riverview Plaza Hotel

Monday ~ October 22
�9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday ~ October 23
4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Available openings at both hotels for
Front office

Please complete on-line job application prior to attending open house

Interviews will be conducted onsite. Applicants are subject to drug and background screens.

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Links� of� Interest

Mark your Calendar!

Job Workshop
"How to Get and Keep a Job"
Monday, October 22
9:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Clinton L. Johnson Center for Economic Development
1655 Eagle Drive
Mobile County Public School System
Annual College and Career Program
October 23: 8:30 -1:15
October 24: 8:30 - 12:00
Mitchell Center
Atlantic Marine Career Fair
October 27: 9:00 - 12:00
Main Gate, Dhttps://rive

For more information about Atlantic Marine's Career Fair,�please call 690-7215 ohttps://

BuildMobile Maritime Class
November 26
For�more information, please call Marla Justiss at 438-2816 ext. 5117
Mobile County Personnel Board is accepting applications for a number of positions. For more information please visithttps://>

What is Newsflash?
Newsflash is news�about jobs, job opportunities, job and career information, job fairs and job training.


"Getting people back to work is what this Department does. Giving people hope in their future is our job."

- U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Elaine Chao

Need help with your job search? Try Alabama JobLink!

  • build a resume
  • research career information
  • create a jobseeker account
  • search for jobs online
  • joblink has over 11 alternate language translations available to jobseekers and business owners
  • establish a free e-mail account
  • register with job service
  • receive free e-mail alerts on job openings
  • link to Alabama Job Spider ( searches other Internet job banks for openings based on specifies search criteria

379�job listings for Mobile County

4,648�jobs listings available in Alabama
108,914�resumes available to employers

Senior Job Training
Goodwill Easter Seals is offering the Senior Community Service Employment program to help Seniors 55 + who are interested in going to or returning to workforce.
To learn more about this program, please call 433-4900. Eligibility requirements apply.

Bender Shipbuilding and Repair Co. Inc.
is currently hiring for the following positions:
* Flux Core Welders
*Ceramic Tape Welders
*Pipe Welders
Interested applicants must apply in person at:
Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc.
304 South Royal street
Mobile, AL 36603
The Mobile Housing Board Clinton L. Johnson Center�for Economic Development announces the start of evening career and small business development classes for adults 18 years and older.
Evening Classes
GED Preparation
Child care
Small Business Development
Day Classes
Office Assistant
GED Preparation
For more information, please call 470-1728 or stop by the Center located at 1655 Eagle Drive, off Michigan Avenue near Interstate 10.
Dearborn YMCA
Applications are being accepted for the following positions:

Candiates should possess a Bachelor Degree in Education or Social Work or related field, a min. of two yrs of supervisory exp. preferably in a grant program. Duties include supervising the GED program, coordinating all components of the program, supervising staff, recruiting participants, monitoring delivery of support services, and completing attendance reports/ quarterly reports/ reimbursement reports, bldg collaboration w/other agencies and ongoing assessment of delivered services. Interested persons should submit resumes to� the Dearborn YMCA�via fax at 251/432-4765 or by e-mail : [email protected].

The Dearborn YMCA is seeking someone to create and implement a culturally diverse performing arts program for youth between the ages of 5-12. Must be 19 years of age with 3 years experience in working with the performing arts. Submir resumes by fax�to�Nakia Crook-251/432-4765
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Mobile Works, Inc. | 61 Saint Joseph Street 1500 | Mobile | AL | 36601